National Week of Prayer

12-20th October 2024

Gather. Remember. Return. 

‘Therefore, tell the people: This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Return to me,” declares the Lord, “and I will return to you,” says the Lord Almighty.’

Zechariah 1:3

As the body of Christ, we are gathering across the UK and beyond; to humble ourselves, repent and pray for lives to be transformed by Jesus, and to see a spiritual awakening in the nations.

Christians from across traditions, denominations and communities; joining together as one.

A week to remember the good things God has done, and is doing in this country, with thanksgiving, worship and praise, as we return to him.

NWOP is a moment for the UK to return to God and flourish in the identity found in Him.

Whoever you are, wherever you are and wherever your influence, NWOP is an opportunity to pray for our leaders, our nation and the nations.

NWOP is a partnership of Christian ministries brought together by the Holy Spirit with a united vision, committing to pray for the nations and let faith rise.

Commit to pray

Commit to pray and worship together with us where you are during the week

Host a local event

Host a prayer and worship event

Join an event

Join a local event being hosted during the week

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