National Week of Prayer

12-20th October 2024

Gather. Remember. Return. 

Our story so far…

A few months ago, a partnership of Christian ministries were brought together by the Holy Spirit. We have a united vision; to humble ourselves, repent, and pray for lives to be transformed by Jesus, and to see a spiritual awakening in the nations, at what feels like a particularly significant time in our nation.

From the 12 – 20 October 2024, the National Week of Prayer (NWoP) will be a moment where followers of Jesus from all denominations, backgrounds and communities can unite in prayer, worship and intercession, as we return to the Lord and seek His heart for our nation. Our desire is that throughout this week, we may catalyse a movement of prayer up and down the United Kingdom and British Isles, with people feeling empowered to host multiple gatherings, drawing together the many faithful prayer networks, all sizes of churches from large to house churches, Christian not-for-profits, businesses, education institutions, small gatherings in homes and community halls, uniting as the Body of Christ to return to Him. 

There will be some centrally organised events across cities and regions, but we are also looking for those individuals, local communities and churches that may catch this vision and join us to pray, and even host their own prayer and worship gatherings during the week. We want to encourage fellow believers to pray and arrange those gatherings appropriate to their unique context, guided by one objective - to see the Church united in prayer for this nation, our leaders and the nations. NWoP are on call for access to prayer resources and worship support if needed, but ultimately, we just want to see the Holy Spirit moving across the land in power.

We are so excited and expectant to see what the Lord will do in our nation over the next months. Come, Lord Jesus!

A week to remember the good things God has done, and is doing in this country, with thanksgiving, worship and praise, as we return to him.

NWOP is a moment for the UK to return to God and flourish in the identity found in Him.

Whoever you are, wherever you are and wherever your influence, NWOP is an opportunity to pray for our leaders, our nation and the nations.

NWOP is a partnership of Christian ministries brought together by the Holy Spirit with a united vision, committing to pray for the nations and let faith rise.

‘Therefore, tell the people: This is what the Lord Almighty says:

“Return to me,” declares the Lord, “and I will return to you,” says the Lord Almighty.’

Zechariah 1:3