Want to host a local event?

That's amazing! Start here.

  • Dream it.

    What is on the Lord's heart for your church, community, region or city? What might it look like to gather people to pray and worship together in your context? There is no specific format or agenda to follow - only that the Lord Jesus would be glorified!

  • Plan it.

    You may be planning a one-off event. You may have a rhythm of prayer that you are adapting for NWoP. You may even want to host a 24/7 prayer week! Whatever the Lord leads you to, you'll need to consider the practicalities.

    What sort of event will it be? Where and when? What sort of resources will you need? Who are you planning to invite?

  • Register it.

    We would love to be able to map out the events and gatherings happening across the nation during NWoP. Registering with us allows us to connect with you, to support you as you need, and also to gather testimonies of what the Lord is doing in your community and region.

    If you'd like, we can also include your event in our NWoP calendar on EventBrite which means that people can see what's going on in your area and join with you.

  • Invite people.

    This is all about gathering people to pray and seek the Lord. Decide who you want to invite, whether few or many. Get the word out through whatever channels are available to you - a good place to start is your local church community.

    Don't forget, if you'd like, we can publish your event on our EventBrite calendar which enables people to sign up to come and join you.